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Digital TV antennas

Technology is changing fast, no more than in the telecommunications sector. The way we watch television is changing as technology improves and we all have to keep going.


The easiest way for most of us to watch television is still through a traditional digital antenna and compatible TV set or set top box. Even if you have a service provider, you may need to keep your antenna for other televisions in your home.


If you notice pixellation or signal loss our technicians can perform a comprehensive test that measures the power and noise margins to ensure that we give you the right advice.

The technology may be new, but the wind and rain are still causing many problems!

Installation and maintenance of satellite antennas
Often the first indication that your dish may need maintenance will be a noticeable signal loss on some or all of the free or paid channels.
It can be as simple as re-aligning the plate, replacing the LNB or possibly replacing it due to an obstacle such as trees.
Our technicians will perform a complete signal test and provide you with a cost effective solution.



Our services include:

Installation of digital television antenna
Ground repairs including storm damage repair
Installing additional TV spots
Satellite and free receiver installation
Discreet installation of satellite dishes
Home TV Support

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